Analytical Lifecycle: USP <1210> “Statistical Tools”, Analytical Target Profile and Analytical Control Strategy
The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) is currently undertaking further steps towards a comprehensive analytical lifecycle approach by publishing a draft of a new General Chapter <1210> Statistical Tools for Procedure Validation and two Stimuli Articles regarding Analytical Target Profile and AnalyticalControl Strategy in Pharmacopeial Forum. Read more about the life cycle concept for analytical procedures.
Following the recently announced elaboration of a new general chapter <1220> “The Analytical Procedure Lifecycle” the United States pharmacopeia (USP) is now proceeding in its approach for a comprehensive analytical lifecycle concept. A further step towards this approach is the draft of a new USP General Chapter <1210> Statistical Tools for Procedure Validation which has been published in Pharmacopeial Forum (PF) 42(5) in September 2016. Comment deadline is November 30, 2016.
Additionally, two Stimuli Articles regarding “Analytical Control Strategy” and “Analytical…
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