In a recent blog of the MHRA, the inspectorate looks at one aspect of the new Annex 16 – the handling of unexpected deviations.
In a recent blog of the U.K. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the inspectorate looks at one aspect of the new Annex 16 – the handling of unexpected deviations.
Before Annex 16 was revised, the handling of minor deviations from defined processes was discussed in the European Medicines Agency’s “reflection paper” EMEA/INS/GMP/227075/2008. However, the status of this paper was not always clear, and its use was not consistently applied. Now section 3 of the new Annex 16 provides guidance on when a Qualified Person (QP) may consider confirming compliance or certifying a batch where an unexpected deviation (concerning the manufacturing process and/or the analytical control methods) from the MA and/or GMP has occurred.
Before a QP releases a batch these pre-requisites…
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